In order to use the platform, you must read and accept the following terms of use.
Conditions of agreements
In the context of this Massive Open On Line Course “Tomorrow's Mobility” (hereafter called « the MOOC »), IFP School has implemented a process for the collection of your personal data.
This process is subject to European regulation (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and French regulation (Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and its implementing decree) on personal data protection.
Officer in Charge of Processing Personal Data
The body in charge of processing personal data is IFP Energies nouvelles, a public commercial and industrial establishment, to which IFP School, located at 232, avenue Napoléon Bonaparte, 92852 - Rueil-Malmaison Cédex, France (hereafter called « the School »), is attached.
Manner and Purposes of the Collection of Personal Data
The personal data collected through the application « The MOOC » are used for the following purposes:
- to identify the MOOC participant;
- to know about the participant’s age group, country, gender, occupation;
- to collect the wishes and feedbacks of the participants regarding the MOOC;
- to improve IFP School’s pedagogical approaches.
These personal data are treated according to the legitimate interests of the School in coaching participants to help them passing the MOOC certification and to deliver the certificate to the ones who pass the evaluation program.
These data can be made anonymous and thus used for statistical purposes.
Recipients of the Personal Data
The people who have access to the application are:
- the MOOC project leader of the School;
- the pedagogical team in charge of the MOOC animation;
- people from Squarance SAS (or any other platform provider involved) in charge of the MOOC platform management (application Rise-Up).
Mandatory Data
Mandatory data of a personal nature are limited to the components of the application file: first name, last name, e-mail address, password, age group, country, gender, occupation.
The other data are optional. Their non-supply has no consequences for the treatment of the file.
Data Retention
The data are retained for a year duration after the application registration opening.
After a year, all personal data will be destroyed and only anonymous data will be stored for possible statistical used.
Transfer of Data to Unauthorized Third Parties, or Commercial or Promotional Usage
The School does not transfer personal data of candidates to unauthorized third parties (in France or in other countries).
The storage of applications in France is ensured.
The Rights of Data Subjects
The candidate can access and modify their data at any time with their username and password or can ask the School for their deletion. However, the constituent data of the file cannot be directly modified by the candidate once the file has been validated and transmitted to the School, except by submitting a request to
In accordance with the regulation on data protection and under the conditions that it defines, the candidate has the following rights: right to access, right to correction, right to opposition, right to the limitation of treatment, right to deletion, right to define the guidelines for the fate of their personal data after death.
To exercise these rights, the candidate must address their demand to the Data Protection Officer: IFP Energies nouvelles – Délégué à la protection des données – 1 & 4, avenue de Bois Préau, 92852 – Rueil Malmaison Cédex or to
In the case of complaint, the candidate can contact the French National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties (la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés [CNIL]).